November 24, 2010

First view from Half Mound "magnificent and sublime"

"A view from twelve to eighteen miles can be had in every direction," commented a reporter for the Kansas New Era dated Aug. 25, 1877. 

The writer continued: "Last week we took our first view from the summit of the Half Mound on the east bank of the Delaware, six miles above Valley Falls. The Half Mound seems to be a detached portion of the dividing ridge, which separates the waters of Coal Creek from the north and stands immediately upon the river's bank. Long years ago, it was undoubtedly a complete mound, but the west half has been carried away by the winding Delaware, which flows at its base. 

"At the foot of the mound on the west side, stands the flouring mills belonging to Hillyer and Co. with accompanying graineries, ware houses, cribs, etc. with  M.D. James in charge. Half Mound makes no pretentions toward a village or town site at present, although there are four or five families living within a short distance of the mills. The Kansas Central (R.R.) has a switch within a quarter of a mile, but no regular station (depot). The train is generally stopped by waving a hat, and we saw one man bring the puffing engine to a sudden halt by waving a 'jug.' "

"Standing upon the elevation, one sees spread out before him like a huge checker board at least one third of Jefferson and a large portion of Jackson and Atchison counties. Valley Falls and Nortonville and Arrington are in full view. The winding streams with their fringes of timber, together with orchard groves and hedges, combine to make the view magnificent and sublime."

Information source: Yesteryears, compiled by Betty Jane Wilson, Valley Falls Historical Society President.

The historical society museum will be open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 27. Historical Society calendars are available at the museum.

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