January 24, 2013

Museum window display honors King, celebrates Kansas

— by Betty Jane Wilson, society president

Famous words from a famous person and a famous adage celebrating a famous event set the stage for the Valley Falls Historical Society Museum's windows for January.

A mega portrait of Martin Luther King capped with his popular words, "I Have a Dream," with a background of military and United States flags honor the celebrated activist on his January birth date.

A giant mural by local artist Susan Phillips, depicting huge sunflowers growing freely among young corn stalks and ripening wheat stems, serves as a background for a Kansas Day reminder. Enhancing the scene, at the base of the mural is a colorful flage of the state of Kansas that was flown over Camp Sapper II, Ali Air Base, Tallil, Iraq, on Memorial Day, May 30, 2005, courtesy of Lee Tafanelli, Colonel, Battalion Commander. A small painting of the Kansas seal, by the artist, hangs above the memorials remembering the territory of Kansas entering the union as a state Jan. 29, 1861.

The society's museum will be open at 10 a.m. Saturday, Jan. 26.

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