April 30, 2013

April window displays feature spring scene, military headgear

by Betty Jane Wilson, society president

"Rain drops keep falling on my head . . . " reminiscent of a lively tune and a window filled with colorful parasols, umbrellas or "bumper shoots" provided both the theme and the scene for the April window display of the historical society's museum.

Shy rabbits peeking out from under rain shower protectors, familiar plants and flowers springing from their hibernating roots and baby ducks paddling on a small pond add up to welcome harbingers of spring, long anticipated following winter's bleak days, freezing temperatures, snow and ice, landscapes of barren trees and colorless lawns.

Military service headgear claims front and center billing for the veterans' window display. A formal lineup of miniature American flags interspersed with "support our troops" signs enhance the scene and are constant reminders of the vigilence and protection of our freedom attributed to our servicemen and women all over the world.

The museum will be open at 10 a.m. Saturday.

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