February 24, 2009

President Lincoln's 200th

by Betty Jane Wilson

The Valley Falls Historical Society Museum window displays reflect the outstanding calendar events for the month.

Huge “Happy 200th birthday Abe” greetings hail the 200th birthday of the United States’s 16th President Abraham Lincoln.

A miniature, full-length silhouette caricature affirms Mr. Lincoln’s physical dimensions in his own words: “If any personal description of me is thought desirable, it may be said, I am in height 6 ft., 4 inches, nearly, lean in flesh, weighing on average 189 pounds, dark complexion with coarse black hair and grey eyes — no other marks or brands recollected by A. Lincoln, Dec. 20, 1858.”

The veterans window scene honors two presidents on Presidents’ Day, a holiday celebrated the third Monday in February. Previously celebrated individually, the birthdays of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln were combined and a three-day holiday declared to pay tribute to all who have served as presidents of the United States of America.

Watch for future window displays created by a younger generation of citizens, and hopefully, future historians of the Valley Falls community.

The society museum’s opening date and schedule of Saturday hosts will be announced later.

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