November 23, 2011

Impression of Winchester, 1889

- Compiled by Betty Jane Wilson, society president

The growth and development of Jefferson County towns was reported from time to time by the Oskaloosa Independent. The Sept. 14, 1889, issue of the newspaper reviewed the status of Valley Falls' neighbors, Winchester and Nortonville.

"The little city of Winchester, 10 miles northeast of the county hub [Oskaloosa], is a flourishing town. Its people are chuck full of vim. The businessmen are awake to the needs of the trade, and through the indomitable perseverance of a few live men, Winchester is getting the wherewith.

"W.S. Weatherford and Son seem to outstrip all competitors in the race for trade. They carry an immense stock of goods, being by far the largest collection of general merchandise to be found in any store in Jefferson County.

"They draw trade from almost every part of the county. Monday, Sept. 2, their cash sales 'foot up' the neat little sum of $125. Go and see . . . They have a $20,000 stock to select from. There are other firms in the same line of trade, but they were too busy to give us any pointers.

"Miss Sue Forsythe is the leading milliner and dressmaker of Winchester. We noticed two or three pieces and can recommend her work as being tasty and very neat. Ladies, when you are in need of a new hat or want a new dress made, find Miss Forsythe's place.

"Mr. Harry Lillie keeps a first class restaurant where you can get all kinds of confectionery, ice cream and soda, cigars and tobacco. Boys, when you want to treat your girl to ice cream and candy, go and spend your money at this place. you will find the proprietor a first-class young man.

"Mr. L.G. Howard, Winchester's barber and hair dresser, is so well and favorably known that it seems useless for us to try to add anything more to his reputation by anything the Independent might say. This much, however, is due Mr. H. as a barber, there is none better in the county."

Next: the editor's impression of Nortonville. (The source: Yesteryears, a publication of the Jefferson County Historical Society)

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